Leaf | Urban Strangers | Supertesti.it

Testo Leaf

The memories are the only things
You‘ll let me
Unlike the leaf that falls from the tree
Lonely, breakable
The part of something
Lonely, breakable
The part of something

I‘m trying to find perhaps
Only a reason
And I fought, you didn‘t
My mind is getting out rythm
And I try to find only a reason
And I tought, you didn‘t
Now you‘re breaking

I feel the pain coming from my chest
Want two or three pills in my hand, hmm
I am lying to my mind
The leaf has fallen
And now is ready to die

I‘m trying to find the perhaps
Only a reason
And I tough, you didn‘t
My mind is getting out rythm
And I try to find only a reason
And I tought, you didn‘t
My brain is...

Remember to breathe, forget everything
You found the calm, don‘t leave it
I‘m like the leaf, that falls from the tree
I was a part of something complete

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